Fireplace Termal 10
Warm air pellets stove cannot be connected to the central heating system. From the pellets combustion chamber blows out hot air and heat the area in which they are located. Also emit radiating heat up over the body and glass in the front through which can be seen the flame that provides a beautiful view and provides ads a special touch to space where it is located, and because of its beautiful design, very easy fits into your living space.
It is used for heating of residential or business premises up to 55 m2. Stove is managed by a premier automatic regulation that with the help of a room thermostat (optional) controls the temperature in the room and at the same time provides comfort and quality as well as maximum utilization.
Stove performs automatic cleaning by blowing combusted pellets in the appropriate space using the automatic regulated fan speed.
Connecting the stove is simple, only need to connect the output of the flue fan in an existing chimney, connect to the power and choose the desired parameters.